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Due to the upcoming construction projects in our building this summer, the Community Ed summer booklet's release has been delayed. It will be coming out later this week, once we have tied up a few loose ends.

When it is released, we will post the booklet here on our school website, announce it on our school Facebook page, and send a copy of it home with all of our students in Pre-Kindergarten-6th grade.

If you would like a copy of it as well, feel free to swing by the main office, or contact Hannah, and she will send you a copy...320-547-5103


Thank you for supporting Swanville School!

The April Newsletter is out! Look for it in your mailbox soon! (To view a digital copy, click below.)

The Bandathon on February 3rd has been released! Check out the video and enjoy our students' work in band!!! 

For those who plan ahead: the School Board recently approved the 2024-2025 school calendar. See it here!

MSHSL announces Region "Triple A" Award Winners

MSHSL Triple A Region Winners Announced:
(Region 5A consists of roughly 50 schools that form Districts 17, 18, 19, and 20.) The District 17 female representative was from Watertown-Mayer High school, the male representative was from Dassel-Cokato. The District 18 female rep was from Pine City and the male rep from Milaca. The District 19 female rep was Britney Schommer from Pierz and male rep Morgan Bellefeuille. District 20 female rep was from St. John’s Prep and the male rep was from Eden Valley-Watkins.

Morgan talked about how Athletics, Arts, and Academics have shaped him into a well rounded individual. He thanked all the teachers, coaches, and administration at Swanville for all the guidance and support. He ended his speech with another terrible science joke, (What did one tectonic plate say when it bumped into another? Sorry! My fault!)

Well, his resume and speaking abilities have led him to being named the Region 5A male winner!!! (The female winner was Britney Schommer from Pierz.)

Morgan now advances to the recognition banquet on March 23, 2024 where he will compete against the other male Region A winners. He will be one of 32 finalists who will also participate on an on-court ceremony during the Class AA boys championship game. There will be 4 statewide award winners- a female and male from Class A and Class AA schools.

Congratulations Morgan!!!

Swanville Announces MSHSL AAA Award Nominees

Seniors Karley Loven and Morgan Bellefeuille have been selected as this year’s Swanville High School Triple ‘A’ nominees.

The Triple ‘A’ award recognizes top high school seniors who have excelled in Academics, Arts and Athletics. Every member school of the Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) is invited to nominate one female and one male for the Triple ‘A’ Award.

Congratulations Karley and Morgan!

Triple ‘A’ Award winners are selected through a multi-level process involving member schools of the League, the League’s administrative regions, and a special committee of educators, business leaders, and members from fine arts and athletic communities.


Swanville Announces MSHSL ExCEL Nominees...

The ExCEL award, which stands for excellence in community, education and leadership, is a recognition program designed exclusively for Minnesota high school juniors who are active in school activities, show leadership qualities and are model citizens. Every member school of the Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) is invited to nominate one female and one male for the ExCEL Award.

Nominees must be a junior in high school, make satisfactory progress toward graduation requirements, participate in a MSHSL fine arts or athletic activity, hold a leadership position in their school and volunteer in their community.

Lily is the daughter of Kim and Luke, has participated in volleyball, basketball, and softball. She also has participated in band. Lily is on the Student Council and has been a part of the homecoming and prom committees. Lily is consistently on the ‘A’ honor roll. She spends time volunteering with the Swanville Athletic Boosters, coaching youth sports, volunteering at a local church camp, helping with the Swanville Carnival and had the opportunity to work in the Dominican Republic on a volunteer trip.

Lily Peterson

Ethan Wimmer

Ethan, son of Tamie and Richard, has participated in football, track and field, and robotics. Ethan has been on the Student Council, a class representative and has been a part of the homecoming committee. He is

consistently on the ‘A’ honor roll. Ethan spends time volunteering at his church, helping with vacation bible school at another local church, helping with Dollars for Scholars, working with the Swanville Lions Club for the Swanville Carnival, helping coach youth sports and volunteering with a local auction company.

The School Board and Administration have begun exploring what the future of Swanville School could look like for our next 100 years. We envision this task as a collaboration between school and community, and want to openly share information along the way...and we welcome YOU to voice your ideas every step of the way, too!

We have secured the services of SitelogIQ to help us with this venture and together, we have built an entire new area of our school website where we plan to keep you updated, every step of the way.

Follow the link "Future of our School" periodically as we embark on this journey. 

In the event of inclement weather, school closing and cancellations are announced on tv stations WCCO 4 and KARE 11; local radio stations KLTF, WYRQ, FM 94 and KCLD. It will also appear on our website, Facebook page and the Morrison County Record website. 



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